When developers created the Agile Manifesto in 2001, the idea revolutionized the way we design software. Agile software development focuses more on the finished software and development team versus the plans and processes to develop the software.

To do this, members of the agile team must communicate. Below we discuss how the process works, and how we use the Agile Manifesto to build the software solution you want quickly and with minimal hassle.

Agile Software Development Manifesto

Earlier models like Waterfall focused on massive amounts of documentation and planning before creating any software. Conversely, the four core values for Agile custom software development focus on:

Since the agile development methodology favors people over processes, it allows more flexibility to create the product the end-user needs versus one that fits the goals of the original plan. Software developers appreciate the flexibility to add or remove software from the final product as needed.

How Does the Agile Methodology Work?

To help you understand how powerful this method is when you work with Velvetech, we want to go over the basics of Agile software development. Often, we use Agile along with a Scrum framework to produce the results you want.

Our Agile teams have the following roles:

At the heart of our process is communication. To ensure we communicate properly we do the following.

#1. Sprint reviews and retrospectives

That is why we perform weekly sprint reviews and retrospectives to ensure the product we create improves each week. The product owner tracks the improvement, so we can map out a better schedule of delivery for you.

During these meetings our stakeholders let us know what steps we need to take moving forward based on the progress of your program. Keep in mind that Agile app development focuses on continually improving the software over time.

The stakeholders discuss what changes they want, and then the product owner decides on which unit stories to focus on most to deliver the greatest value to your project.

Every week we complete new user stories (feature goals) that progress the development of your software based on these reviews and retrospectives.

#2. Daily Scrums

We adhere to Scrum daily stand-up and sprint planning meetings to ensure our team produces the project deliverables in a timely fashion.

#3. Client and User Communication

The final, crucial step is getting feedback from your clients and yourself. We want your feedback, and value it throughout the development process. That is because communication is at the forefront of the agile process.

It is also important to understand that we monitor our progress, so we can give you realistic expectations of the deliverables we promise.

We use the agile software development process, so we can track our progress and give you the most truthful estimate possible for when we can finish your project, what deliverables you receive at that stage, and calculate this custom software pricing.

6 Stages of Velvetech Agile Software Development Process

Agile Development Process

#1. Start with a discovery session

Most clients have an idea and rough definition of the problem they want to solve. However, the vision is often far from complete.

During the discovery session we create a plan to ensure the best course of action for your software solution. The discovery session includes discussion of the problem and best-case scenario for their vision.

#2. Analyze how this solves our client’s challenges

Once we finish the discovery session, we analyze the plan to see how to best execute on this vision. The business analysis explores how the software fits into our clients’ operations, end-client needs, and competitive landscape.

The final product should solve not only our clients’ challenges, but also their clients’ problems. During the business analysis we define how their end-user benefits from solving this problem.

Read about the Business Analysis for Mobile Apps

#3. Create a functional design

Our business analysts and subject matter experts use the discovery session notes to create a functional design, so clients and stakeholders can get a better idea for the final look of the project.

The functional design specification becomes a blueprint for the development of the software in the next step. Your project’s design specifications include:

#4. Develop the backend of the software

After completing the design, our developers add the code behind these designs. The Agile method helps developers:

#5. Testing & Integration

We use automated testing as well as beta-testing the custom software development with a few users to ensure the quality of our software products.

At Velvetech, we do not roll out production to a broader audience until we remove the bugs and user interface issues that often plague lackluster launches.

#6. Maintenance

The final step is for the launch and continual support of the software for your clients. Since the software is iterative, we continue to refine the product over time to match changing trends and fit the end-user and your needs.

Webinar: Software Project Health Check

Project Health Check

Learn the actionable steps to keep your software project on the right track, aligned with your initial goals and designated priorities.

Final thoughts

Agile software development plays a pivotal role at Velvetech. We use the process to create high-quality software products for successful launches.

Let us know if you have any questions about how to use agile custom software development for your next product launch.

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