Get informed of the latest IoT market demands, why they are important and how they can best solve your IoT needs for home or business.

Best known practices for successfully changing a Software Development Team, keynotes and instructions for project owners.

Velvetech’s summary of 2018: landmarks of strategic partnerships, tech innovations, challenging projects, awards, and events.

“What does it cost to build an app?” is a question Velvetech hears often. Get your mobile app development budget straight with our ultimate guide to the app development cost.

Velvetech a top 1000 in 2018 Clutch global IT firms. Find out the exceptional qualities of being a leader amidst highly rated top tech companies worldwide, including our methodology and impact results.

Velvetech introduced its Real-Time AI platform at ConenctCentral 2018 annual meeting in San Francisco. Read the most exciting news from the event in our review.