Post-Acute Care Business Domain
Medadept’s business involves providing cloud-based software as a service (SaaS) for post-acute health care providers.
In the past, reimbursement for health care services has mostly been on a fee-for-service basis. In an effort to contain skyrocketing health care costs, governmental and commercial payers are increasingly moving to payment based on the value of services provided to patients. In this emerging reimbursement environment, providers are paid more if their patients experience good outcomes.
Hospitals have worked very hard on quality inside the four walls of the hospital. But most people, even those with serious chronic health conditions, spend most of their time outside the hospital… at home or perhaps in a post-acute program such as outpatient rehabilitation, home health or even hospice care. Most of the patient’s quality of life is based on what happens outside the hospital.
The post-acute service environment is also where cost savings can occur by preventing avoidable (and expensive) emergent care and hospitalizations.
Right now, it’s challenging to determine what’s really going on with the patient outside of the hospital, so there’s a big problem in coordinating the post-hospital care the patient needs.
If we can help people be healthy enough to prevent avoidable hospitalization, we can reduce the cost of healthcare.
Preventive care costs much less and improves the quality of life for patients and their families.
Physicians, nurses, therapists and care coordinators can provide outpatient and in-home care at a fraction of the cost of inpatient care.
Third-party payers certainly want to reduce health care costs, but patients are also realizing it’s a lot less expensive for them if they make efforts to maintain their own health.
For Medicare patients with certain diagnoses, a readmission after a hospitalization less than a month later for the same cause, can trigger Medicare penalties that can reduce hospital reimbursement. So, preventing avoidable readmissions helps the hospital too.
Our Post-Acute Care Software
We create software that connects a health care team to certain populations whose health needs to be carefully monitored.
There are other companies out there working on similar things; but Medadept has been innovative in our approach, and we have growing interest in our product and service offerings.
The product that Velvetech worked on with us is an important new addition to our suite of post-acute care software applications. But, we didn’t have the resources in-house to address the market opportunities as quickly as we wanted.
Enter Velvetech
We were introduced to Velvetech by a Medadept client who was working with them. We took a close look at the work they were doing for the client and realized they could help us too.
We segmented our development plan and decided what parts we wanted Velvetech to take on, based on their strengths in custom healthcare software development. The shared development process involved a coordinated effort utilizing some Medadept resources and some from Velvetech.
On Velvetech
Working with Velvetech has been a very positive experience for Medadept. We certainly enjoyed working with Yuri, Eugene, and the rest of the team.
We’ve had significant experience working with offshore teams before, but Velvetech is one of the best. I would look forward to the opportunity to work with them again.
Our Work Method
We appointed a Medadept project manager who drafted, monitored and updated the project plan. We needed to be able to show our stakeholders progress as we went, so we used the Agile development approach for all phases of our work with Velvetech.
The team at Velvetech gave us an estimate of time and costs and brought resources to the table to make sure they could meet our deadlines.
We met on a weekly basis to review progress. It was a very smooth process.
The Medadept managing partners were very interested in this project with Velvetech. They made input into the specifications for the project deliverables, and they remained engaged and excited about the entire project.
Bright Moments
A challenging aspect to this project was designing the look and feel of the mobile interface to suit a diverse population of end users. We must have asked Velvetech to rework the UI about a dozen times.
With a “can do” attitude and a good sense of humor, Velvetech made the best of the situation, and we ended up with a great mobile UI that looks good and performs well.
Post-Acute Care Management System
Read on to find out how we assisted MedAdept with the development of a web-based post-acute care coordination system and a cross-platform mobile medical surveillance app.
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